Affiliate Member
Open to individuals currently employed, and with 5+ years of experience, in a field related to commercial real estate, such as furniture or flooring vendors, janitorial or security services, and so on
$520 annual dues
BirminghamCREW bylaws state its' membership composition must be at least 75% Full Members and no more than 25% Affiliate, thus BirminghamCREW may suspend approving Affiliate Members from time to time if we exceed these percentages.
CREW Network memberships are based on a calendar year, and expire on December 31.
Membership is tied to the individual and is non-transferrable from person to person, either within a company or otherwise.
Annual dues for membership in BirminghamCREW will be billed by CREW Network upon acceptance into the organization. The actual amount owed upon acceptance may vary based on when the applicant is approved for membership.